Who would have thought you could gain health benefits from having a relaxing weekend away? Most people camp once a year or maybe only once in a lifetime because they never truly understand the benefits, but if you increase the amount of time you spend in the great outdoors, you increase your quality of life in more ways than one.
Being exposed to the elements and fresh air has a profound effect on your health. You have heard the expression “breath of fresh air”, and it truly does help in a stressful situation or any situation when you need to take a step back. If you are camping, you will be constantly exposed to the fresh air. Breathing in the air can help clean out your lungs and give them pure oxygen that will release mood boosters.
The health benefits go beyond anything that you could ever expect, but there are also mental benefits to consider. When you are camping with friends and family, you can socialize on a different level than if you were out to dinner or at a party. Camping forces you to be active and create a fun situation from everyone around you. You learn things about the people around you that you wouldn’t learn in other situation. Camping also exercises the mind; it helps you think critically about situations and helps your mind expand.
All of these grow exponentially the more often you go camping. It can be a tradition you and your friends enjoy monthly, bi monthly, even yearly. No matter how often you have an adventure in the great outdoors make it memorable and make it count!